Research collective on migration and racism
Winter 2020
Methodology Workshop Sessions
11:30am - 1:00pm
Methodology workshop (bilingual)
Ethical considerations for migration research
Facilitator: Christina Clark-Kazak
University of Ottawa - FSS 6004
11:30am - 1:00pm
Methodology workshop (bilingual)
Producting, using and interpretating statistical data in migration research
Facilitators : Charles Fleury, Laval U., Feng Hou, Statistics Canada/ Western U.
University of Ottawa - FSS 14001
MARCH 10TH 2020
Methodology workshop (in French)
Comment analyser et restituer des entretiens réalisés avec des migrant·e·s ?
Facilitator : Stéphanie Garneau, Ottawa University.
University of Ottawa - FSS 1005
Methodology Workshops
The purpose of the methodology workshops is to provide a space for reflection and discussion around the methodological, epistemological and ethical challenges of research in the fields of migration and racism. During these workshops, researchers are invited to open their "toolbox", to share the "tricks of the trade", to offer "tips and tricks" to overcome these challenges, from entering the field to the analysis of results, to the negotiation of survey relationships and the mastery of survey and analysis methods. The workshops are likely to interest both apprentice and more experienced researchers. They follow a cycle of three sessions during the winter semester.