Research collective on migration and racism
Walner Osna
Walner OSNA studied sociology at the Faculty of Human Sciences at the State University of Haiti. He is
currently studying for a Master's degree in Sociology at the School of Sociological and Anthropological
Studies of the Faculty of Social Sciences at the University of Ottawa. His thesis project is a socio-
historical analysis of the resistance of the population of Ile-à-Vache (Haiti) to the ecotourism
development project of the State. Its concerns generally relate to the following themes: Decolonial
Theories, State and Coloniality, Extractivism, Development and Development Policies, Eco-Tourism,
Neoliberalism, Social Movement, Popular Education and Social Transformation. He has a long
organizational experience. He has been a member of the Group of Research and Support for the
Development of Territorial Communities (GRAD) since 2011 and a member of the Gramscian Literature
Study Circle (CELG) since 2009. He was Vice-President for Sociocultural Affairs of the Sociology and
Anthropology Graduate Students Association (SAGSA) from September 2018 to September 2019. He is
also a volunteer on the Academic Affairs Committee of the Graduate Students' Association (GSAED) of
the University of Ottawa since the fall of 2018.