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Fresh Drip Coffee

Reading group 

"Cafés Classiques"

The "Cafés Classiques" consist of a reading group on books that have become classics in the fields of migration and racism. The aim is to offer a space, in a spirit of conviviality, to revisit key authors in the light of the theoretical advances and empirical realities of today. The "Cafés Classiques" follow a cycle of four sessions during the fall semester and are open to everyone.

Autumn 2019


Reading group sessions 


September 17th 2019
11h30 à 13h00 

Topic : racism. The classic 

Fanon, Frantz. (1967). Black Skin, White Masks. New York: Grove Press.

Animation: COMIR

Ottawa University- FSS 5025


[FR: Disponible en ligne ici EN: Available online here]

October 22th 2019

11h30 à 13h00 
Topic : racism. Re-reading

Coulthard, Glen. (2014). Red Skin, White Masks : Rejecting the Colonial Politics of Recognition. Minneapolis : University of Minneapolis Press. 

Animation: COMIR

Ottawa University - FSS 5025


[EN: Available online through the library here; 

FR: Livre disponible à la réserve de la bibliothèque pour photocopies et en ligne ici]

November 14th 2019
13h00 à 14h30

Topic : immigration. The classic
Sayad, Abdelmalek.(2004). The Suffering of the Immigrant. Cambridge, UK: Polity.

Animateur·trice·s: COMIR

Ottawa University - FSS 5025


[FR: Disponible en ligne ici

EN: Copy at the Library's Reserve


December 5th 2019

13h00 à 14h30

Topic : immigration. Re-reading
Hajjat, Abdellali. (2012). Les frontières de l' « identité nationale ». 

L'injonction à l'assimilation dans la France Métropolitaine et Coloniale
Animation : COMIR

Ottawa University - FSS 5025


[FR:. Disponible en ligne par la bibliothèque ici, EN: No English translation]

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